Friday, 30 March 2012

Manor in Denmark

Hello, dear readers. Friday already! My mother is coming on Sunday to stay with us for a month and I have quite a number of things to do yet before she arrives. So, before I get moving here is today's tour for you.
Anette and Heine Robert Dahl used to live in apartments in Copenhagen. In the spring of 2009 they moved to Gelskov. Here they live in this Manor on Funen where they also hold exhibitions, display antiques and flea market finds for sale, and they even run a bed & breakfast.

Owners Anette and Heine

Remember I love reading your comments! Have a lovely weekend, and see you tomorrow!
Photography by Kristian Septimius Krogh
All images from here.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Centenary Home in Spain

Doesn't look like a centenary home when you look at the interiors which have been totally renovated. But you can tell it is old by the outside and the very old trees that surround this house.
Step inside, look around, and let me know what you think!

All images from here.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Restored Farmhouse in Italy

Surprise! A second post for you today!
And you, my friend, and I, are in Italy now, just a few miles away from the city of Parma. Architect Lucilla Scazzi was in charge of the restoration of this home which used to be a rundown farmhouse with an adjacent barn. The barn is now a tearoom with a fireplace, and what used to be the stables is now the kitchen.

<p>Huset utvendig er en blanding av naturstein og murstein, mens i den pussede delen er det sandstein.</p>

<p>Stuen oppe med gulv i eik og rustikt bjelketak.</p>

<p>De gamle dørene som er typisk for bondehus fra denne epoken, er flott bevart, mens gulvet som opprinnelig var av jord, er nå i malt betong. Her inn til kjøkkenet som er husets absolutte favorittrom.</p>

<p>I taket på den gamle stallen som nå er kjøkken, ligger de gamle bærebjelkene åpne for å få den rustikke følelsen av tre. På kjøkkenet har Simona latt den landlige, rustikke stilen få dominere. Hun har brukt gamle jern- og trestoler fra hagen rundt det store kjøkkenbordet, og et britisk fuglehus i tre får stå på benken til pynt. Industrilamper og komfyr i stål gjør at det ikke blir for romantisk. </p>

<p>Stuen nede med utsikt til hagen.</p>

<p>På barneværelset til Aldo Maria har Simona malt en stor gren hvit og hengt den opp i taket. Den brukes til å henge opp bilder av alle sønnens venner i. Innehaveren selv koser seg med alle bamsene sine.</p>

<p>Himmelrik i himmelseng. Gamle kofferter fungerer som nattbord.</p>

Hope you enjoyed our second tour!
All images from here.
Photography by Violet Horvat

House in Yvelines

How's your week so far, my friends? Hope everything is running smoothly and you are enjoying your spring or autumn. And it's tour time once again, for you and me. Bertrand and Alexandra are the owners of this soft blue-grey house. They lived in London for eight years but now they have moved to Yvelines, a French department in the region of Île-de-France.

Rustic, simple and welcoming.

Come back tomorrow, my friends!
Photography by Patrick Smith
All images from here.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

House From the Past

Good morning, my friends. How about going back in time today? It's easy when you look at these photographs of this centenary house in Provence. Few things compare to the beauty of timeless, weathered stone. You might agree.

All images from here.