Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Est que je peux aller a la salle de bain?

That sentence is the one that I most remember from my French lessons when I was in school. Sometimes I even asked the teacher just to hear myself say it. It sounded lovely and as if I could speak French so fluently!

Well, bathrooms today. Catherine Zeta-Jones once said that for marriage to be a success, every woman and every man should have her and his own bathroom. I guess my marriage is doomed then! Enjoy these lovely images.

Photos via housetohome.


  1. daddy usaría tu baño porque siempre lo tendrías limpito y él no!


  2. Ah, makes me want to grab some good decorating magazines and start my tub soak!

  3. Hi Brenda! Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm all excited because it's the first comment someone other than my family leaves! Hope you had a long, relaxing soak!
