Friday, 16 October 2009

Let's Spook Up Our Homes!

Halloween is right around the corner so it would be a good idea to start spookifying (!) our homes. The best source for halloween ideas and crafts is definitely the Martha Stewart blog. These are only some of the pics you can find on her site. It is crammed with great ideas so if you are in the spooky mood you should pop over and have a look.

Spooky black paper curtains.

Love these blood dripping candles!

Shivering bats under the lampshade.

Could you eat with these cockroaches crawling all over the centerpiece?

Love the colours!

You can learn how to make these crafts on Martha Stewart's site.


  1. Great pics. :) I can't wait for Halloween.

  2. Hello Kifus!

    I just passed by...

    How cosy and funny your choices are!!!
    I liked much!

    Would you like to visit my blog? Maybe you'll like it...

    find me in:

    It will be a pleasure have you there. I'll be waiting.

    Congratulations for your blog!

  3. Sorry! Correction:

    find me in:

    Now it is CORRECT!

  4. LOVE this post. I think I'm going to make some black rats myself. So cool.

  5. Lovely blog, I have found you at Sponty's:)

  6. Hi there Gabi!! Nice to see you back! Those rats are awesome! If you make some, you could put a picture up on your blog for everyone to see. Let me know!
