Saturday, 17 October 2009

More Scandinavian Houses!

Not all Scandinavian houses are minimalistic as the one in the previous post. These two houses share the subdued colours typical of the Scandinavian style but they are far from minimalistic! Full of personal objects, they are cozy, warm, and inviting. Which style do you prefer?

mitt kök...

många kakor har ja bakat här...

ja samlar på godisburkar m maränger godis mm i..

vardagsrummet från andra sidan...

en liten läshörna...

mitt Gotlandshus...


All images from Skona hem.


  1. its so cute !
    Love the white for a home

  2. Hi Mille! Thanks for leaving your comment. White is my favourite colour for rooms too! With a touch of some other colour maybe. It has such a clean, bright and airy feeling!

    Thanks again Millie!

  3. Hi...just found your blog and love it! Do you think this home is a little too much for Scandinavian design? Aren't they usually more sparse and minimal? I do love it though...I could live there easily. Thanks for the tour. I prefer this to the minimalist design.
    Tami E.

  4. Hi Tami! Scandinavian design is known for its spacious airy white rooms, with a minimum amount of furniture and lots of light. The pictures of this post belong to a Scandinavian house but the only typical thing about it is that it is full of white! Scandinavian cluttered rooms are hard to come by and these are full of personal belongings which make them cozier!

    Thanks so much for your comment Tami!

    Have a lovely weekend!
