Sunday, 29 November 2009

Breakfast Rooms: Inspiring Ideas!

Better Homes & Gardens has such wonderful pictures! Have a look at these delightful breakfast nooks.

mint green and white breakfast nook
Love loooooove this one. The spoon collection is so well displayed. So are the jugs there above the window. Beautiful combination of white greens and blues.

kitchen with dining table

Console table
This breakfast table is attached to the wall. Honestly, I would rather have its 4 legs. It feels like it's balancing and about to topple over!

Bench seating storage
Cozy spot near the kitchen with plenty of storage room under the seats.

Bay window seating
Love those dotted shades.

Beaded board

simple white dining table
Love the soft palette used here. Rug combines beautifully with chairs and walls.

All images from BH&G.


  1. i love breakfast nooks...great images...thanks!

  2. I totally want a nook like this! I especially like the one with the dark antique table and the two built in bench seats. It's so cute and cozy!

  3. Where can I purchase those dotted roman shades?

  4. Hi anonymous, I really have no idea where you can buy these shades. You could go to the better homes and gardens site and look around there, they might have that information.
