Saturday, 14 November 2009

Pick a Kitchen

Lovely kitchens found at Skona Hem. Images 1 to 3 belong to the same kitchen. Which one would you choose?!0/mbi384xjp874oj7wdlkayt9g7shmdsu/Romantiskt%20k%c3%b6k

Hjärtformat tennfat, 225 kr, Hans Mikaels, tallrik, 300 kr/st, Mikaela Willers, kökshandduk, 45 kr/st, Koffert, pump för disk­medel, 195 kr, Vass, snäcka, 90 kr, Oscar & Clothilde. Övrigt privat.!0/qagp5diqhn2d9ycbir26m7y5sis0pjq/Romantiskt%20s%c3%b6rg%c3%a5rdsk%c3%b6k!0/fcqimtpymne9p7oqg03lq38mocsmu9g/K%c3%b6k%20i%20dalastil!0/86cakb119h5wkmgp6ud8inzcov2ddfj/Hemma%20hos%20Lexingtons%20grundare

Clamped on the side of this table there's a kitchen gadget. Can someone illuminate me as to what it is? Thanks!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Love the 2nd kitchen from the bottom, however I'm not that into all open cupboards. Too much dusting off dishes and especially if you have a pet, closed storage os best (pet hair, urgh!). I think the gadget might be a wine opener...
    Tami E.

  2. Beautiful pictures, beautiful places, as usual.
    I also think it's a corkscrew, a table-fixed cork screw.
    Like the one you can see on the following page : tire bouchons

    page 4 , 20th picture...

    I prefer the hand ones, you're sure you make the right pop noise when you open the bottle.
    Have a good week end,

  3. It is a wine opener. It is what they use at some restaurants, where they open a lot of bottles during a day...

  4. I’m reminded each time I visit your blog how a passion well expressed can inspire. Thanks for sharing, all the very best and a lovely weekend.

  5. I like the kitchen that is 3rd from the bottom. Like the simplicity and cleanliness and open feeling. (not cluttered like mine!, ha)

  6. Very misterious gadget on the side of this table.

  7. They are all beautiful pictures, but I love the first kitchen most. I especially enjoy the blue and white and the curtains hanging behind the glass on the top cabinets add an interesting touch.

  8. So, a corkscrew! I agree with you Jefferson about the pop noise!

    Thanks everyone for your awesome comments!

  9. I enjoyed my visit here. Everything is BEAUTIFUL!

  10. I love all these designs. They are so clean and fresh.
