Monday, 7 December 2009

Decorating with Clocks

Good morning sleepy heads! Hope you had a great weekend! Now it's time to come tell the time with me with these lovely clocks. Just like baskets, they look terrific in any room of the house. Most of them with Roman numbers, all of them awesome!

I don't think I'd hang mine so way down!

The clock is awesome but have a look at the unusual spoons and forks lamp! Never seen one like this.

In the porch.

Even in the bathroom it's nice to know what's the time.

Rusty old clock. Lovely!

I like the clock but I love the lamp with the tiny candles and sprouting bulbs! I could do with those printed pillows too!

They must have stolen that wire basket from my supermarket!

Teach your children Roman numbers!

This sailors' clock reminds me of my grandfather. He loved having to wind it every morning. I miss you Pop.

This one does make a statement, doesn't it?

Images from Skona Hem, Marie Claire Maison, Desiretoinspire, Phoebe Howard, StyleRoom, MyHomeIdeas, Housetohome and Guido Barbagelata.

1 comment:

  1. tic tac tic tac :D

    little time... we are almost there!

