Thursday, 25 February 2010

Cottage on Grayton Beach in Florida

Good beautiful rainy morning! The inspiration for this family beach house came from the film Something’s Gotta Give. I showed you the house made for this film starring Diane Keaton some time ago in this post.

One of a collection of Henry Barnes paintings, the architectural painting of Greece that crowns the living room fireplace adds a dash of Mediterranean flair. The pale blue and white striped rugs in the living room and dining room are very similar to the one in the film.

Wistful blue-painted cupboards

Bunk room with bold stripes, informal fabrics, and cotton rugs. The sofa was a flea-market find.

A candle lantern in the bunk room... I would never, ever, light these candles. Not by the curtains and beds and especially not in the kids' room.

A giant shell to store soap.

A painting by Heather Barron enlivens this reading nook.

Architect: Matthew Savoie.
Kitchen and bath designer: Matthew Quinn.
Photographs: Colleen Duffley

All images and information from Traditional Home.


  1. Beautiful home!

    Your comment about never lighting the candles brought to mind a comment from an old friend of my mother's that has always stuck with me. She said that to have never-lit candles out was an insult to your guests. I think the rationale was that it would appear you put them out just as staging and they weren't really part of your home. Have you ever heard that? That was many years ago, but I still burn all candles for a minute or two so they don't look brand new.

  2. Hi Diane. Well, that's a detail I hadn't thought of, and a good idea so the decoration doesn't look so staged. I love the look of candles, candle holders, lanterns and hurricanes but I'm so scared of fires (especially with eight kids running around the house) that I seldom use them for decorating. Only at Christmas and when there's a power cut!

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Diane!

    Have a great weekend!

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