Friday, 19 March 2010

Antique Swedish Furniture

Friday sweeties!! Friiiiidayy!! We need something special to celebrate so today I'd like to show you lots of beautiful furniture made by a firm called Swedish Interior Design based in Hove, UK. They specialize in antique Swedish furniture pieces and full roomsets. I love all their Gustavian, Biedermeier and country antique pieces and Mora clocks. They design and handcarve furniture and mirrors from antique wood. They even make sleighs!

Have a beautiful Friday!

gustavian swedish antique furniture mora clock bespoke handmade rug interior design

gustavian swedish antique furniture mora clock bespoke handmade rug interior design

handmade swedish white wooden candle holder

handmade french style white painted serving table

antique swedish 1800s mora clock and antique gustavian sideboard

Website here.


  1. How gorgeous!! They know how to make furniture don't they?
    How is baby coming along?

  2. uau!! marbelous very marbelous indeed..

    yea.. very marbelous

  3. Guardare queste foto sembra essere catapulti in un'altra secolo... molto belli questi mobili così candidi e carichi di emozioni.
    Buona serata :-) Myriam

  4. I am ready to move in! I have become obsessed with white lately! And the lines are so beautiful. Thank you for the beautiful images. Karyn

  5. sos la más linda! creo que ya te lo dije

  6. my idea of heaven would have all white furniture. these room inspirations are great!

  7. Perfect post and perfect timing! I will be going in June to Sweeden for holidays, good to know what to look out for :) Thanks & take care, Anna

  8. This apartment is just gorgeous!!! Love the white and the gold!! Have a great day you, too!!!


  9. Beautiful inspiration! I'm adding your lovely blog to my blog list. laurie

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanx for the kind words - we specialise in swedish antiques but we also handmake wonderful one off pieces for our clients too - see more of what we do on the website at

    You can also subscribe to our beautiful blog at or tweet us - @swedishinterior

    get in touch if you have any questions
