Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Apartment in Sweden

This is yet another apartment in Linnaeus, Sweden form real estate site Alvhem that I'd like to show you today. Enjoy!

Ljusa toner och vacker stuckatur

Njut av rymden och luftigheten

... och höga fönster i väster

Luftiga, pampiga rum i fil med vackra brädgolv

Välkommen till ett hem utöver det vanliga!

Stor matsal/sovrum med utgång till balkong i väst

Nyinsatta fönster i gammal stil

Detta rum kan med fördel användas som sovrum

Vackra pardörrar öppnar upp mot matsalen

Från matsalen nås en härlig balkong i västerläge

Från köket nås lägenhetens andra balkong

Nyrenoverat kök i gammaldags stil

Profilerade luckor och bänkskiva av oljad ek

... och plats för tvättpelare

Fräscht badrum med badkar

Lugnt beläget sovrum mot den mysiga gården

Stuckatur och brädgolv även i detta rum

Här finns gott om plats för förvaring...

Balkongerna blir om sommaren till ett extra rum

All images from here.


  1. I DID IT!! and YES, I AM SHOUTING!!! I went to my blog yesterday and saw that you had commented. I was so embarassed! I'm great at reading other blogs, but terrible at writing my own! I just started that blog you commented on, thinking it might motivate me to accomplish more, but I am such a DREAMER!
    When I saw your comment I wondered who would be so nice as to comment on such a pathetic post, so I looked your blog up and started scrolling....and by midnight I was cross-eyed. First thing this morning, jumped in my robe and got right back to work, scrolling from the back this time, thinking to meet in the middle where I left off. After 2 hours my Babe and I had breakfast- at noon! Then I helped a neighbor (still in my robe) then jumped back on here half an hour ago! I have looked at EVERY one of your beautiful entries! Wow! I have forwarded many pics to a folder to peruse later. Here's a list of a FEW of my favorite posts:
    Swedish post
    Aspen Retreat
    Lisa Ryan's shop
    Elizabeth Warner's retreat- the green roof!her colors and fabrics~ahhhh!
    Napa Valley Farmhouse
    page 43- the kitchens and baths- although I think sometimes they are so overstaged. One pic has two chairs and a little table in FRONT of the tub! Excuse me, you people who just like to sit in a bathroom, could you scoot over so I can put my naked body in my tub??
    Umm- oh! Delightful porches!
    Welcoming guest rooms!
    House in Argentina
    Sandra Lane
    Lisa McDennon
    Authentic Chateau in cote d'azur
    Retreat on Martha's Vineyard
    Florida Beach Cottage- I love JoAnn Barwick- but yes, I'd shake the colors up a bit! And Blue is my favorite~
    Dallas Estate
    and so many more! I am definitely becoming a follower- it's better than being a stalker!
    And thanks again for your comment~ you're the Queen throwing a delectable little cake to this blog-reading peasant~!
    And now. I MUST get out of my robe. It's 3:30 in the afternoon!
    Thanks for a WONderful getaway. The snow doesn't seem quite so bleak now!

  2. Kifus,
    The Swedish style is so elegant and stylish and light! I love it even if it is more contemporary as you showed here in this apartment!
    Thank you for sharing! I si-o love your inspirational beautiful blog!

  3. Hi Kifus I love your blog too,thanks so much for taking the time to find and share all these wonderful photos. It is so much fun to visit you!!!

  4. Thanks so much Lisa, Greet and Shawn for your lovely comments!

    My, Lisa I so love your enthusiasm! You should definitely continue with your blog, all that energy must be put to good use ;)

    Have a great day ladies!

  5. Hi dear, What an apartment!!! Look at the size of the rooms! or is it just the brightnes of the interiors? Lovely, cosy, fresh! I'm actually going to Sweeden this summer, can't wait but your post makes me even more excited.

  6. I love white and love everything about this apartment! I so enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the beautiful pics you post.

  7. those floors!! i always find myself gravitating towards Swedish design, and so of course I love this!
