Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Interior Designer Paola Navone

Good morning dear readers. Today we're heading for Greece to visit Italian interior designer Paola Navone's house. Perched on the rocks of the Cycladic island in Greece with a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea this minimalist, rustic house has only three colours, grey, white and a little brown.

No carpets or rugs in this house. As you see they have just been painted directly on the concrete floor. On this terrrace a striped "rug" was painted, fringes and all. The beds were designed by Paola. Notice a small detail: the stripes painted on the wall perfectly match the sides of the beds and the rug.
At the side she placed a huge 2 metre high terracotta urn. These urns are traditionally used for storing oil and are buried in the ground. Paola just turned it upside down to make a sort of primitive sculpture.

Wedged between three walls of the house lies a more intimate terrace with light grey plastic chairs. The painted floor has a fancier design here.

The entrance of the house was fitted with makeshift furniture by Paola. The table stands on two big whitewashed vases placed upside down. Another striped rug painted on the floor.

Peints à même le sol, les “tapis” dessinés par Paola qui reprennent des motifs grecs traditionnels, habillent avec légèreté l’intérieur de la maison et donnent de l’éclat aux nombreuses terrasses.
The small basket like tables were also designed by Paola.

Idéalement placé face à la mer Égée, le lit est entièrement habillé de coton blanc froissé. Fixée au sommier, une lampe flexible permet de s’éclairer à l’intérieur de la moustiquaire géante que l’on détache le soir.
The master bedroom faces the Aegean Sea.

I don't see how these three small children's chairs can be comfortable to sit in and have lunch. Too low if you are an adult and not high enough if you're a kid. Ah, well, I guess it's not functionality Paola was after when she decorated these rooms.

cuisine toute blanche et simple de paola navone
Very simple. I like the iron cast double burner. The stainless steel utensils were purchased in Greek bazaars. The aluminum and chrome charis and the hanging lamps were brought from Italy.

For those who return from the nearby beach a shower was installed in a recess of the terrace.

All images from marie claire maison.


  1. Hi Kifus,
    oggi è proprio una bella giornata :-)
    Guardando le foto trovo che questi interni siano troppi spartani per me... preferisco di gran lunga le comode case californiane con rivestimenti in legno.-
    Buona giornata Myriam

  2. I love your site! I find the pictures so calming and your minimalist style very much appeals to me.
    Thank you for sharing your creativity!

    Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist

  3. Hi Kifus,
    Thank's for the great work. I am interior editor in Bravacasa Bulgaria magazine. I am looking for a designer's summer house for our new issue and Paola Navone's House is just what I want. Could you help me with a name of the photographer, or any idea how to reach the owner of the photos...
    Thank's very much!

  4. Hello Lidia, thanksfor your comment. I just went back to the source of these pics and no photographer name is given at this site so I believe they belong to Marie Claire Maison magazine.

    The direct link to their post on Paola Navone's house is this:,exercices-de-grec-moderne,200260,1012.asp

    I'm sorry I cannot assist you further and I hope you can contact this photographer through the magazine.

    All the best!
