Monday, 21 June 2010

Interior Designer Victoria Hagan

Good Monday morning to you once again. Today we are heading over to Chicago’s North Shore to have a look at this family residence designed by architect Robert A. M. Stern and his partner Randy Correll. Landscape architect Douglas Hoerr handled the grounds and Victoria Hagan decorated the interiors. Step into this harmonious and classic 16,000-square-foot Georgian Revival-style house.

If you missed my previous post of another residence decorated by Victoria Hagan just click here.

A light-filled vestibule begins the entrance sequence

Subdued colours in the living room. Above the fireplace is an Adolph Gottlieb painting.

The space was given painted wood paneling, scallop-shell display cabinets and mahogany doors.

Love this kitchen with its informal dining table and island seating, lots of storage and prep space.

The brick-paved porch was furnishe with ample wicker seating.

A broad bay window in the master bedroom brings the property’s main attraction, the water, clearly into view.

The mahogany sundeck.

The poolhouse. The exterior detailing repeats elements of the main house. French doors pocket into the walls to give it a cabana-like feel.

Photography by Peter Aaron/Esto

All images and information from Architectural Digest.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. essas casas são muito lindas. beijos. Uésley Santos.
    Obs: você já leu alguma obra do Machado de Assis? se quiser posso indicar um de seus livros. Beijos

  3. I have folders on my computer desktop where I file away images for inspiration. The living room photo here just appealed to me on so many levels. It kind of resembles my living room which is in desperate need of a redo. So I filed this under furniture, furniture arrangement, and roomscapes. It may even be my desktop wallpaper this week, Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Beautiful! R.Stern as well as Victoria Hagan are among my favorite architects!
    I have a wonderful book of the work of R.Stern!
    Thank you for sharing this house! I hadn't seen it yet!

  5. Bellissima casa !
    Mi è piaciuta molto.... soprattutto la vista sul mare :-))
    Buoan giornata Myriam

  6. I love your blog so much!
    Thanks for shering things you like with us.

    I have a "baby blog". Hope you show up for tea :)


    (from Brasil)

  7. That porch is amazing. I love the brick and stone. That would be such a perfect place to relax and read a book.

  8. This is breathtaking. The exterior alone is a work of art! The master bedroom is a dream. That is my taste over and over. The view, the porch, those hardwoods floors...I think this house was made for me! I'd like to save a couple of these pictures for inspiration. Thank you!
