Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Restored Residence in Portugal

Good morning to all of you my lovely readers.
This beautiful country home, Monte São Domingos, was previously an historic nunnery and Alto Real horse farm located in the olive and wine region in the Alentejo, in Elvas, Portugal. Monte São Domingos sits on a hilltop with 360 degree views, including lake Caia, and was renovated over the last 5 years. Restored with original handmade tile floors, antique marble sinks, sculpted by hand baths 100 plus year old roof tiles and hand forged iron and glass doorways gives the feeling that the farm has been untouched by time. At the same time the house is technically modern with radiant floor heating, solar panel water heat, and fully equipped kitchen.

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo
An artist's dream atelier.

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

626A Treasure in Alentejo

All images and information from here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kifus
    buongiorno... molto bello questo rivestimento in pietra nei muri interni del residence... mi ha intrigato molto anche la vasca da bagno.
    Buona giornata e grazie delle tue visite :-)
