Monday, 23 August 2010

Summer House on Formentera #2

Hello again. How was your weekend? Today we are going back to Formentera, one of the Balearic islands, to tour another summer house. If you missed the first house on Formentera I posted some time ago just click here. Simple lines and rustic furniture. Let's take the tour.

All images from Nuevo Estilo.


  1. What a beautiful home, must have cost a fortune to deck out!

  2. So gorgeous! That pool and cabana are stunning, I would never go inside! Well, yes I would, the interior is amazing as well! Just came over from Dear Designers, happy to be your newest follower!

  3. Thanks for your comments Ben and Shari, glad you liked this home. And thanks so much Shari for following! Welcome to the gang!
