Materials found locally were used for the renovation.

The small windows were kept. In the dining room a spoon lamp adds a merry touch.

The dining area as seen from above.

Karin's portrait hangs above the window. Red painted concrete floor, open shelves and baskets in the rustic kitchen.

Martin poses imitating his wife's portrait in the kitchen.

In the master bedroom the night table and base of the bed are made of concrete.

Mediterranean style bathroom.

This terrace is right outside the master bedroom.

Stunning views from the outside barbecue area.

Shady spot to have dinner outside.
All images from here.
Ok, so this is so interesting to me. My daughter and hubby vacationed in Greece and some Island off of Greece (I forget the name) and they had pictures of many of these type homes from the outside. I am thrilled to catch a glimse of one on the inside! It is really interesting to see the use of concrete. I would think that bed , however, would be really hard with no boxsprings. I do like the simplicity of style...thanks for another interesting post.