Friday, 17 December 2010

Farewell and a Lovely House in Spain

I'm starting my holidays tomorrow so I will not be posting every day as usual. Maybe once or twice a week. However, remember there are more than 500 previous posts to look at while I'm gone, so you can catch up if you've missed any.

So, before I start packing I'm giving you a second post today. A lovely house located in the Barrio de las Letras, in Madrid, Spain. Decorated by Estefanía Carrero with a mixture of styles, from modern to classic with rustic touches and full of interesting details and textures.

Hope you enjoyed this second tour. Now, I must rush and start packing! See you soon, dears, hopefully some time next week.

All images from here.


  1. Beautifula house and interesting combinations.

    Have a lovely and relaxing vacation!

  2. What I like most of this house is the lighting and the various styles of furniture. The result is a sparkling mix of stylish elements. The plated bowls on the fifth photo are gorgeous!

  3. Beauty Kifus, holly holly days!

  4. This house is so beautiful, you always show fabulous images in your posts.
    After the holidays I'll have time for take a look on your older posts.
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Hi Kifus
    mi piace molto quest'arredamento... l'idea del tavolo per lavabo è molto originale !
    Buona giornata :)

  6. Merry Christmas! I will miss my daily visits~I've been here, even if I've been too busy to comment. Have a great holiday!

  7. Oh my you scared me with that title, I'm glad it's only farewell for a little while. Love it and your blog Kifus. Merry Christmas, enjoy your time off!!

  8. Thanks so much for your words dear Merja, Jurgen, Tereza, Myriam, Lisa and Shawn! Hope you are all doing fine and I promise to visit you really soon!

    Hugs to you my friends!
