Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Lakeside Home in Alabama

Interior designer Paige Sumblin Schnell was appointed to decorate this Alabama home, located in The Ridge on Lake Martin. Lots of white and suitable for a family of six was her client's wish. The reclaimed wood beams and floors were harvested from barns in Vermont and Georgia. Benjamin Moore’s China White was used on the planked walls.

It's tour time!

I'd love to read your thoughts on this home.
Have a lovely day and see you tomorrow, my friends!

Photography by Erica George Dines.
All images from here.


  1. divine!!


  2. This house is BIG! :-) I love the colours.. are the same I have in my new home...
    Big kiss

  3. Oh, my word! I am in love with this house! Especially the open living/family, dining area! It gives me the sensation of your spirits just lifting with those high ceilings, warm wood, tons of daylight and light colors. Gorgeous!

  4. I love all the exposed wood. I really wish I had taller ceilings, but hey, we have to do the best with what we have, right? In the meantime, I'll soak in gorgeous pictures like these...

  5. Love it. So European in feeling. Could be most anywhere. Although, I would have liked to have seen a bit more individuality in the bedroom. Something with a warmer, more timeless feel

    All in all an enviable accomplishment.
