Tuesday, 28 June 2011

House of the Year 2009

As you might know, Norwegian Magazine Bolig holds a contest each year to choose the best house of the year. In 2009 the winner was this country house in Hokksund. It consists of three buildings: a main building from 1889, a brewery and a barn. In 2006 the Kvernstad family restored and renovated all three of them.

Perhaps my Norwegian readers could help me with the translation of the words and signs that appear in this house. Please? I did use an online translator but unfortunately they are still quite unreliable.

The main house

The barn which is now used to hold parties.

Re: table in the dining room is made from an old door with a table leg from another table. The chairs were found in the barn and pulled about, and the plates are found in attics and basements. The couple had a low budget when they renovated, and has achieved so much on their own.

Does the wording at the top of the stairs say something about coming home? But of course, it's French and it says "Just like your home" Thanks, Chapstik Fanatic!

"Kisses and Hugs and Love" Got the top sentence. Help with the one below?

Thanks to reader Krn I now know that the headboard says (not in Norwegian, but Danish) "Kisses, hugs and love, it is the world's glory"

And Krn expands: "Written language in Norway in the 19th century was the Danish language. This is not surprising to see this on an old norwegian bed."

This is the inside of the barn. Rather dark I guess.

Part of the guest house.

All images from here.


  1. the top of the stairs is actually in french. it means "like your home."


  2. I love the old barn. What a wonderful idea :-)

  3. Sur le lit : "kys og kram og kærlighed, det er jordens herlighed" c'est du danois et non du norvégien. Ça signifie "Les baisers, les câlins et l'amour, c'est la gloire du monde"

    Not norwegian, but danish, and it means "Kisses, hugs and love, it is the world's glory"

    Written language in Norway in the 19th century was the Danish language. This is not surprising to see this on an old norwegian bed.

  4. Thanks so much krn! I knew I could rely on my readers to help me out!
