Thursday, 23 June 2011

Renovated Home in Norway

Scandinavian style in this 1880's renovated home in Norway. A house full of memories. I love it when there are pictures of every room.

Purchased shack unseen

Unpainted corner cabinet

Small between living

Saved old spisetuemøblement

Utestue with old memories

Found old chest of drawers

Decorated with used findings

Rural living

Kitchen with decorations

Collect the plates

Romantic bedroom

Hang your clothes behind lace

Reading corner in the living room

Guest rooms with bunk beds

Old bottles

Painting Memory

Nostalgic and affordable bathroom

Cast Iron Bath

Homemade bed

Hope you are having a wonderful day. Let me know if you liked this tour.
Photography by Sveinung Brathen.
All images from here.


  1. I just saw the house from yesterday and I was in love... now.. oh, my! This one is also so special!

    Great post!


    Luciane at

  2. Wow... everything beautiful in this house... the last pic.. I love that bed!! :-)

  3. I love the corner cupboard in the first frame and the bed tuckled under the eaves.

  4. That's a very nice pearl in Norway, this home looks very cozy and romantic, great style!

  5. Hello,

    I love this kind of "old fashion" houses. Thanks to sharring this "pearl" whit us.


  6. Wow, great compilation of interesting designs.

  7. These interiors have a special appeal to me, made me sit and reflect upon the use of lace, tablecloths with crochet trimming, crocheted throw on the bedspread. Old fashion? Why "old fashion," or "old-fashioned," or "outdated" sound like an unmentionable disease? I know, I know, it's the modern style of decorating where there is no place for that wonderful craft of needle and crochet, now almost defunct. I stand corrected if I'm wrong. Too much of macrames or crocheted doilies is just that, too much. But a few pieces on the right furniture add so much intimacy, elegance, romantic feeling and femininity. And what's wrong with that? We are so diverse, there's room for every style under the sun.
    In other words, I love how the lady of the house had pulled together her nest.
    Doina [still toiling over her work-in-progress-project]

    1. Thanks for the insightful comment Doina!
