Sunday, 4 September 2011

1900 English Manor

I have mixed feelings about this English manor. I was doubting whether to post it or not. On the one hand it is a magnificent building, with breathtaking gardens, no doubt about that, but, on the other hand I am not too fond of the 60s retro style used in some of the rooms. So, as you see, I finally decided to go ahead and post it though I did not include all of the pictures. If you'd like to see what rooms I left out just go to the AD article right here. I'd love to read your thoughts on this house!

Built in the early 1900s by architect Edwin Lutyens, this 12-bedroom country house is located in Marshcourt, in the Hampshire, England, about 75 miles to the southwest of London. Lutyens blended Tudor and Jacobean features (paneled rooms, carved staircases, mullioned windows) with neoclassical details (marble columns, elaborate plasterwork ceilings). New York based interior designer Robert Couturier was in charge of giving it a more contemporary look.

This of course is the ball room. Quite grand. I know you need lots of space to twirl around but wouldn't you add at least some comfortable -and stylish- seating to rest a while before the next waltz?

This is the back of the manor.

Photography by Tim Beddow
All images and from here.


  1. I agree. The architecture and the gardens are stunning. The decor, however, is not.

  2. Hello,

    I agree with you, the house and gardens are beautiful but the furniture is totally not to my taste. I am also fond of the woodwork and the plaster and the ballroom of course.

    Take care

  3. breathtakingly elegant. almost wish I could go back in time and live there. certainly doesn't fit with my style...but it could grow on me.
