Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Autumn Colours in Gascony

A glorious garden in Gascony in the southwest of France reminiscent of the Tuscan scenery. It was designed and made ​​by the owner, Madelaine, in terraces to link with the surrounding nature.

This sculpture by Joachim Van Den Hurk echoes the verticality of the cypress. The iron rod on the top turns in the wind.

Photos Perdereau Mon Jardin & Ma Maison.
All images from here.


  1. I wish it were that colorful here. Winter has arrived. Bare trees and dull gray skies.

  2. Wow, that's my kind of house! Can I move in right now? ;)
    Thank you for all your relaxing, inspiring post to dream on.
    Big hug, xoxo

  3. The more various flora, the better. The whole complex seems to me like a palace rather than an ordinary house. Glorious!

  4. Autumn at its best! Wonderful colors, scenery and beautiful house in the background!
