Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Period House in Sussex

Located in West Sussex, England, this Georgian Town House is a shooting location ready for a film or photography. The interiors retain many period features and original stone and wooden floors.

Until tomorrow!
All images from here.


  1. I love the kitchen, master bedroom and the garden, but find the rest of the house a confusion of styles that aren't pleasing (at least to me). What did you think of it, Kifus?

  2. Love the dining room, kitchen, patio and gardens! There is a mix of stlyes represented, but the home looks liveable and authentic. Always enjoy your posts!


  3. I like the animals sprinkled throughout, even on the door knocker.

  4. I love the old floors and the colorful art. Definitely authentic and liveable like Lisa commented above.

  5. Thanks all of you for your comments!
    Anne, I really like this house, maybe I'd leave out some of the things to make it more airy as it does tend to look a bit cluttered. I'm sorry you didn't like this tour much, hope you like the next ones better! Anyway, I love reading your comments, even when what I post is not your taste!
