Friday, 2 December 2011

Gold and Silver for Christmas

Have you started with your Christmas decorating? I haven't yet. Not because I don't want to but because I won't be home until the 22nd. Anyway, the tradition in Argentina is to put up the Christmas tree and decorations on the 8th. What is it like in your country? Do you have a fixed date or do you just start decorating sometime near Christmas or whenever you are ready? Another tradition in Argentina is that on Christmas eve, at exactly 12 o'clock, the whole country goes nuts with fireworks! And it goes on for at least half an hour. A fantastic sight -and noise- which I love. I know this is not done in Brazil, for example. They use fireworks whenever a football team scores a goal or wins, and for New Year too, but not for Christmas.

And, talking about Christmas, today I'd like to show you a selection of photographs from campagne-decoration to get you inspired.

Sc 597 028

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Sc 597 016

deco or et argent

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Sc 597 041

Photography by Stephen Clement.
All images from here.


  1. We start December with an Advent calendar & open one little window every day until Christmas Day. We usually put up the Christmas tree & decorations
    in the week before Christmas, although lots of people put them up at the beginning of December. Our family go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve & I always make mince pies on Christmas Eve afternoon listening to the BBC broadcast of the Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols from Kings College Cambridge. Getting festive just thinking about it :)

  2. That's lovely Ali! Thanks so much for sharing your Christmas traditions!

  3. What a gorgeous collection of Christmas images, lots of lovely inspiration.

    Thank you for sharing. I usually don't decorate until 12 days before Christmas and take down decorations 12 days after. However since beginning my blog I seem to be doing everything earlier so I can write up a post about it. I have got the Christmas cake sorted, truffles in the freezer, Christmas crackers all ready to make but still seem to spend too much time on my pc.


  4. Thanks, Lee. A long time ago I made crackers for my kids and all my nieces and nephews. They turned out lovely and everyone enjoyed them but they were sooo much work! Maybe you could put up a post on how you make your crackers and I might make them once again!

    And, oh dear, too much time on my pc, I think all of us bloggers know just what you are talking about. Maybe we should add the spend less time ont the pc to our New Year's resolution!

  5. oh wow... my family puts it up right after thanksgiving. usually the day after. or that weekend. and leaves it up for a week after new years.

  6. These are the most wonderful, elegant and well composed Christmas decorations I've seen so far! Simply beautiful!
