Saturday, 10 December 2011

Guesthouse in Girona

And here you have a second post for today. Hope this makes you happy, well, if only just a wee bit.
This Guest House called Can Bassa, part of a fourteenth century farmhouse, is located in the old town of Madremanya in Girona, Spain. Originally, it had neither a bath nor kitchen, just some rooms on three floors, where - the owners believe- day laborers who worked in the fields could have slept. To enjoy the views and feel the presence of the Les Gavarres mountains, the owners decided to place the living room on the second floor of the house.

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

MiCasa Revista

Now yes, see you tomorrow.
All images from here.


  1. Wow, what a beautiful guesthouse!! I would be so happy living there, I love and adore every detail of this house, even the ceilings are great looking! The house of my dreams! I wish you a great Sunday dear Kifus! Thanks for making my day with this nice post!

  2. So glad you liked it, Jurgen! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hello, all this photos are from Micasa Magazine Spain. If you want tu publish them, you must ask for permission or put our logo in every photo! Please, put it or delete them from your blog.

    Micasa Magazine

  4. Hello Bellatrix. I know these photographs are from Micasa Magazine and I always include a link at the end of my posts. I have added a link underneath every photograph as I don't know how to put a logo in the photograph. I hope this is enough. If it isn't let me know and I will delete the post.
