Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Under the Tuscan Sun

Good morning. How about going to Italy and visit this Tuscan villa surrounded by beautiful gardens and breathtaking views. Bramasole is just a few minutes outside the ancient town walls of Cortona. It served as the set for the film Under the Tuscan Sun in 2002. Its restoration began in 2006 and was completed in 2010.

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

Bramasole, Tuscany, Italy

There are a few more photographs of this villa right here.


  1. Oh Wow - what a gorgeous place! (and I love that movie!!)

  2. I LOVE to travel and especially to Italy! My bags are packed, I'm ready to go, when do we leave?
    What a beautiful post! Thank you -

  3. What a shame! They've ruined it. I went back to the original shots of the house from the movie (Hooked on Houses blog) an it had so much character. The new house is changed beyond recognition, and looks like a hotel. Sad to see most of the character taken out of the house.

  4. The exterior is beautiful.

    The interior is a disappointment. Looks like they ran out of money for the real antiques that this place deserves, and filled in the space with stuff from Ross, TJ Maxx, Home Goods. Swing and a miss...
