Tuesday, 13 December 2011

White House in Sweden

This is the last week before we go on holidays. We are going home, to Argentina, on Saturday and won't be back until January 23rd. Absolutely no posting for a month! Am joking. I need my daily tours. But after Christmas we'll be going to Chapadmalal, and there is no Internet connection there so, there will be a brief hiatus. Just enough for you to start missing me! :)

This large white wooden home blends into the winter landscape in Brastad, Bohuslän. It looks like it has been here for ages, but it is brand new. The outside resembles the late 1800s Swedish country home. Inside, an open floor plan spreads over 300 square meters. The entire ground floor is one large room with a ceiling height of up to 7.5 meters. Upstairs there is only one bedroom and a living room. The interior style is eclectic: a little rustic, a little modern, some antique and some industrial design.

Köket från Lidhults är platsbyggt. Ovanför bänken hänger en tallrikshylla, nytillverkad ­efter gammal ­modell. Diskhon i porslin, från ­Villeroy & Boch. ­På väggen en kungalampett i hamrat tenn av ­Malin Appel­gren Paulsson.

Photograph by Mari Eriksson
All images from here.


  1. we will really miss you :)
    Happy holidays !

  2. Hi Kifua! I know, I know- I have disappeared~ but I always visit you in between running around. How wonderful you get to go home! My nephew has been serving as an LDS missionary in the Neuquen area of Argentina for 23 months. He comes home next month. My brother and his wife will go visit for 2 weeks and see in person the amazingly beautiful pictures my nephew has sent by email. What gorgeous land- lucky you! Hope your holidays are filled with joyful memories! Thanks for your blog- it truly does inspire me in my own home! Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh, Lisa, dear I really have missed you! How lovely for your nephew to be in Neuquen! He must be speaking Spanish fluently after nearly two years there! Thanks for your lovely words. I hope you and your family are doing fine and a very Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. Lovely - simply lovely! I could move in on a second's notice! Think they would rent a room with an option to buy (the whole house)?
    I hope your Holiday is a restful time surrounded by all your loved ones!
    Merry Christmas

  5. I need sun glasses for this one :) So when can I move in??? hehehehe oh and Merry Christmas!!

  6. oh my gosh, spare and beautiful! i'd love to spend the winter there!
