Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Scandinavian Style in France

Bénédicte traveled the world as a writer for the foreign press. She finally settled down with her hubby Keith in this house a few kilometers from Uzes, in the Val de Tave, in France. With a passion for flea market finds and everything white and grey, she decorated her home in the Scandinavian style she loves.

Dans une maison près d'Uzès, un miroir rond avec cadre horloge, boutique Clair de Lune à Uzès

Plaque émaillée représentant une reproduction de carte postale ancienne, boutique Clair de Lune à Uzès

Ancienne médaille-crucifix de communion posée contre un vieux miroir doré

Vieille malle en cuir détournée en table basse de salon et vieux casque écouteur en bakélite pour poste à galène

Une baladeuse s'accroche devant un miroir triptyque et livre Simple home de Mark & Sally Bailey

Ancienne vitrine de magasin détournée en tableau présentant une collection de bibles anciennes

Vieille affiche scolaire C.Dirand E.&E.Carron sur le thème de la fleur

Un salon largement éclairé grâce à une verrière donnant à cet intérieur une atmosphère nordique

Bougeoir réalisé à partir de vieux couverts en argent et coussins imprimés et estampillés au pochoir

Une chambre en mezzanine minimaliste avec une atmosphère nordique

Dans une salle d'eau, orbeille à linge en métal, bougeoir en applique et un ex-voto, boutique Clair de Lune à Uzès, collection de nacres, Roberto la brocante à Uzès, Miroir Athezza

Deux baladeuses de réédition Chehoma encadrent un lit en guise de lampes de chevet

Une niche munie d'une tablette saillante et surmontée d'une baladeuse suspendue à un crochet fait office de table de chevet

Cuisine sous une voûte en berceau, mobilier chiné

Buffet et ancienne affiche Kodak chinés à Uzès

Bougeoirs en argent en forme de cuillères à soupe et ex-voto en métal boutique Clair de Lune à Uzès

Mugs monogrammés Anthropologie

Hope you are having a beautiful day. See you tomorrow!
Photography by
Laetitia Philippe Rissetto
All images from here.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Country House in Spain

Architect Thomas Wegner was in charge of restoring this country house - or rather two houses that were joined - located on the island of Mallorca, in Spain.

Come step inside, my friends.

As always, I'd love to read your comments on this house!
All images from here.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Former Bakery in Sweden

Good morning my friends. Had a good weekend? We went to the beach yesterday and saw 4 or 5 dolphins playing and jumping in the sea. So lovely!
And, here were are again, having a look at this sweet home in Lundsbrunn, Sweden. It is 100 years old and used to be a bakery. These photographs mostly show different nooks and corners of the house rather than the whole rooms.

Old Bakery

Evocative veranda

Swedish country style

Furniture with patina

Furnished with flea finds

Old wallpaper

Swedish style

Gamel svenskeovn

Wood paneling in the old style

Old school posters

Summer Fresh bedrooms

Photography by Trine Bukh.
All images from here.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Antiques Dealer's Apartment in San Telmo

Good Saturday morning my sweet readers!
I'm sure this post will bring about as many interesting reactions as the one I did on Iris Apfel's apartment here.

This particular apartment is located in San Telmo, the oldest neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina, characterized by its well-preserved colonial buildings. It belongs to antiques dealer Silvia Petroccia, and it is in the same building and right above her antiques shop.

I would love to hear your thoughts on Silvia's apartment and her unusual style!
Silvia Petroccia

Tesoro barocco





Sala da pranzo



Riviste e cataloghi


Camera da letto

Zona notte


All images from here.