Monday, 27 February 2012

Former Bakery in Sweden

Good morning my friends. Had a good weekend? We went to the beach yesterday and saw 4 or 5 dolphins playing and jumping in the sea. So lovely!
And, here were are again, having a look at this sweet home in Lundsbrunn, Sweden. It is 100 years old and used to be a bakery. These photographs mostly show different nooks and corners of the house rather than the whole rooms.

Old Bakery

Evocative veranda

Swedish country style

Furniture with patina

Furnished with flea finds

Old wallpaper

Swedish style

Gamel svenskeovn

Wood paneling in the old style

Old school posters

Summer Fresh bedrooms

Photography by Trine Bukh.
All images from here.


  1. Hello! Thanks for your blog! I like it. Ewa from Poland

  2. I love it! Thank you for posting this house....

    1. Thanks to you, Nurrgula for leaving your comment! Glad you liked it!
