Monday 13 February 2012

Country Inspiration

Not a house tour today my friends, but a selection of rooms that combine country, cottage and rustic styles. Plenty of interesting ideas for your inspiration!

Un couloir de style champêtre
Angus McRitchie

Un escalier en bois brut

Jolie cuisine champêtre
Angus McRitchie

Cuisine rustique
Michael Graydon

Un éclairage de cuisine varié
Ted Yarwood

Cuisine conviviale
Michael Graydon

Photos : vivre à la campagne
Monique Richard

Du rangement rustique
Andre Rider

Une charmante chambre d'amis
Angus Fergusson

Salle de bain romantique

Un style champêtre
Sorry about the bedclothes but the headboard is lovely!
Andrew Grinton

Plancher à damier

All images from here.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I just adore the first beautiful!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
