Sunday, 25 March 2012

House and Guesthouse in Sweden

This house built in 1925 is located in Torekov, a small village close to the sea in Sweden. There is a small detached guesthouse with enough room for seven guests.

Ralph Lauren wallpaper in all the bedrooms

And now the guesthouse:

I find this room a bit too busy. White bedcovers would have looked better here.

Hope you are having a lovely Sunday. See you tomorrow!
All images from here.


  1. Hi Kifus,
    la sensazione che si ha visitando questa casa, è della straordinaria pulizia !
    Merito del bianco ?
    Baci Myriam :))

  2. Hi Kifus - what a lovely quaint little cottage... doesn't it look like a peaceful retreat? Thanks so much for sharing - enjoy the rest of your Sunday. xoxo Jalon

  3. Kifus,
    I like the wallpaper (even though I don't have any in my house anymore) it warms the rooms and the selections are wallpapers that I would choose if I decided to wallpaper a room again. Are a lot of Swedish houses decorated with mostly white? I've noticed that the houses you've shown us that are located in Sweden are usually painted white. Very pretty and fresh.
    Have a great upcoming week!
