Monday, 23 April 2012

Colour Burst in Argentina

Good Monday morning, dear readers! Hope you had a lovely weekend.

This house is near the sea in Mar Chiquita in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It belongs to architect Susana Bellotti. Rustic, happy and colourful.

Photography by Daniel Karp
All images from here.


  1. Lovely, inspiring to see what carefully placed colour & accessory selection can do.

  2. Kifus,
    Well, that was fun. Not sure I'd be able to rest with all the exciting color, but it is fun.

  3. Kifus,
    what a beautiful bright house you posted here!
    It reminds me of Mexico, specifically Cancun, with its bright colors, pure joy.
    Have a nice week.

  4. hola Kifus! gracias por pasar por mi blog!!!
    me encanta esta casa! salio en la revista living.. y me enamore de cada detalle!!! un beso

  5. I agree with Karen, I like the rooms, they are so happy and carefree, and it is definitely something different, but I don't think I could live with it on a daily basis!

    xoxo Sabrina

  6. Whaooo How wonderful colors this Morning...
    Start your day ^_____*
    A hug...thanks for Being gone to visit me!!

  7. Great post:) I thank you for sweet words on my blog. I hope you come back to visit me soon, I have more swedish inspiration for you:)
    Have great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis

  8. Gracias por pasar por mi blog! La verdad es mi primera visita por acá y me encantan estas fotos, la decoracion es otra de mis pasiones.
    Hermoso todo!
    Te sigo leyendo!

  9. oh wow, colors!! such a nice change from the neutrals I see that are very popular.
