Monday, 9 April 2012

Light and Breezy in Spain

Good morning, dear readers! Hope you enjoyed a sweet Easter with your family.
The owners of this house in Spain, inspired by Scandinavian interiors, created a home with light and breezy rooms.

Have a great Monday!
All images from here.


  1. I see you found pictures of my house. hehehe!!

    we had a great easter :) cooked on the grill, kicked the ball with my son...a bit too cool and windy..but it was still nice.

    1. Hi Jill! Thanks for allowing me to post pics of your house! When are you inviting me over?
      Glad you had a great Easter, and it seems you are feeling better now, what a relief!

  2. Kifus,

    Jill (above) clearly has a beautiful home. I especially loved the white painted floors and the wood paneled bathtub. The upstairs hallway floor to ceiling linen space was amazing, wish I had that. I thought the dining room table was stunning...I've always liked the looks of a square dining table.

    1. That storage space is really great and I wish I had something like it too! Thanks for your lovely comments Karen! Always looking forward to them!

  3. have you ever been to Scandinavia? this house looks more Provence style...

    1. Hi anonymous! Houses in Scandinavia are typical for their white rooms: white floors, walls and furniture with some colour here and there but mainly white. Because of their long, dark winters, furniture and walls are kept light, bright, and usually white, although lately they have been adding more colour. Provence style has the typical sun drenched vibrant colours from the south of France: terra cotta floors and yellows, reds, violets and greens. There is also a lot of flowery and paisley prints.
      Thanks for your comment!
