Monday, 28 May 2012

Mediterranean Style

Hello, dear friends. It's funny how I don't even move now when there is a tremor in Peru. When we first got here I used to rush outside until it was over. There was a tremor about 5 minutes ago, but I've got so used to them, I just go on with whatever I was doing (preparing this post in this case) while counting how long it lasts - 17 seconds this time. I've been told I have to have a backpack ready in case there is a major earthquake. Sounds scary. Hope I don't have to use it.

Ok, so we are off to Spain today to visit a rustic home on the island of Majorca, overlooking the fields below and The Mediterranean Sea in the horizon. Not many photographs of the interiors, I'm afraid. These will have to do.

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Mirabeau

Photo Victoria Ahmadi/Marco Moog

Photo Mirabeau

Photography by Tom Geisbuesch


  1. So beautiful. Love the porches and the view is fantastic! I'd love to have that round carved stone candle holder in the last pic!

    Hope you never have to use that backpack too!

    Have a wonderful week!

    xoxo Sabrina

  2. Kifus,
    I could live in a tent with a coastal view. I like the rustic decor of the house. Especially the dining room and table.

  3. Gosh Kifus, you are obviously well used to these tremors, I think I would be really scared. We had a big earthquake in New Zealand a few years ago and the poor people of Christchurch are still getting aftershocks all the time. Christchurch was devastated though and they lost so many of their heritage buildings including the Cathedral.

    I love this house above, I am so in need of a trip to Europe but still caring for my mother who has moved in with me, she has terminal cancer. My blog is now a little escape from the day to day routine of caring for her. I know that one day I will get my life back and I will get my trip back to Europe I have promised myself.

    Lee ☺

    1. Oh, Lee, so sorry about your mother. My heart goes out to you.

    2. Oh, Lee, I'm so sorry about your mother. My heart goes out to you.

  4. I hope that you do not have to use the back pack! The photos are gorgeous and it makes me think that we need a holiday.....

    Leeann x

  5. Dear Kifus, I hope you wont have to use the back does sound scary but as long as you are well prepared.

    Lovely porches and view ....I would love to be sitting out there now with a cool drink close by!

    Jenny M
    London, Uk

  6. Hey Kifus, those tremors sound scary, hope you never have to use that backpack! The photos here are divine, that sunshine would be very welcome here, the weather hasn't been great here lately! Would love a terrace and that beautiful furniture in my garden!!

    Ps thank you for your supportive comment Kifus, it means a lot!!

