Thursday, 24 May 2012


Dear readers, I'm so happy to introduce you to Leslie Sinclair (although I guess many of you already know her!) and her exquisite book Segreto.
Segreto reveals the secrets of how to transform and enhance interiors with fine finishes. From cover to cover, Segreto will take you on fascinating journey. Turning its pages is as if you were on a holiday dedicated entirely to exploring beautiful interiors. You will linger over each room taking in all the fine details on each of its delicious 300 pages.

The following is just but a small selection I made for you to have a taste of what you will find in Segreto. Enjoy!

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 1

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 2

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 4

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 3

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 6

Leslie Sinclair Segreto Kitchen

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 8

Leslie Sinclair Segreto 7

Leslie Sinclair Segreto

Leslie Sinclair Segreto Bedroom

Sublime. Perfection. A must read!

And here is Leslie with her lovely family!

Leslie Sinclair Segreto

To purchase "Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors" from the website click here
or to purchase through Amazon click here.
And you must also visit Leslie's enchanting blog right here.

Thanks Leslie!


  1. Es todo tan precioso que no me cansaria de mirar. Saludos

  2. Kifus,
    My first comment may have been gobbled up by the computer elves...I have read lots about Segreto. They do an amazing job. I'll have to add the book to my wish list.

  3. I'm head over heels in love with these rooms! Now I know what to ask my hubby for my birthday next month!

    xoxo Sabrina
