Thursday, 10 June 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Blog!

One whole year of blogging! I'm so grateful to all of you who are following me and also to all my new friends which I have made through blogging.

I'd also like to add special hugs to my friends: Annie who was one of my first followers and to Myriam, Kristin and Greet who brighten my days with their lovely comments.

Dear readers and my dear family, you have all made this wonderful year possible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!



  1. but what about chopita's birthday?? ha ha

    te amoooooooo lindaaaa

    happy birthday to the most beautiful blog on earth!

  2. Sálvame is so right! It´s Chopita's birthday today as well, much more important than my blog's birthday! I love you Chopa and I love you Tuli!!

    Thanks for the wishes sweetheart!

  3. Happy Birthday to your blog! That's a big accomplishment! I have enjoyed it so much and enjoy your comments on mine!

  4. Apio verde tuyú, pal blóc y la gorda.

  5. Gracias Fa! Andá sacando ideas para Muní!

  6. Hi Kifus... buon compleanno !!!
    Grazie del tuo complimento, sono felice che i miei commenti ti abbiano fatto piacere :-))
    Il tuo blog è sempre un piacere seguirlo perchè oltre al fatto che inserisci delle belle foto, ci dai a noi donne, delle idee particolari per arredare la nostra casa !!
    Un grazie a te :-)))
    PS: Approposito, ci sono delle fette di torta ?

  7. Hi Kifus !
    To celebrate such a birthday, I am creating my first blog in... approximate English.
    It's about something very different from this one. Although there are some similarities in one field...
    It's about the Saint James Way to Santiago. Have heard of that marvellous route ?
    Have a look at
    Hope you will be able to get through this time. GrandsLieux! is gong on slowly as well.
    For more info, leave comments, I will be delighted.
    Happy birhtday to your blog !
    Jean François

  8. Hooray! what a special day!
    loving your blog and looking forward to another year -- and many more -- of reading!

  9. ps -- thanks so much for mentioning me! right back at you! (and I am working on getting that 10 Things about you up next week... I'll let you know prior.)

  10. Thanks Myriam, Stephanie, Kristin and Jean François!
    You can all come home and share my birthday cake!
    Hugs to all of you!

  11. Hey JF congrats on your new blog. I think I cannot access this one either because it says over-blog. Grandslieux also has over-blog in its address and it's the only thing I can think of as to why I cannot open your blogs. Makes me sad as I would love to visit your blogs often.
    Oh and I added you address to my safe list settings but that didn't work either. If you have any idea as to what I can do please write to me, ok?

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Happy Birthday!! Kifus, yours is my very favorite interior design blog. I love it!!

  13. Happy birthday to your blog and thank you Kifus for posting all these wonderful pictures! x

  14. Thank You for amazing blog! I read it all! :)

  15. Happy belated blog birthday! You have a truly beautiful blog. I can easily spend hours admiring it and the gorgeous homes you feature. :)
