Thursday, 10 June 2010

House Tour: Sandra Bullock & Jesse James

Today we are going to have a sneak peak of Jesse James and Sandra Bullock's house. Their 2-story oceanfront home in Sunset Beach is on the market for $6,750,000. Do you think it's worth this or is it just a celebrity home price?

I'd love to stand under the waterfall. And play with the duck.

Open floor plan.

I love the fireplace, leather armchair and the rustic table with vintage suitcases under it. Is that the remote on the table?

I think I need a rug here. And the clutter under the bed is on my to do list.

All images from here.


  1. I like the colour the ceiling is painted in between the white beams and really like the open plan sitting room. I agree with you about the bedroom though, definitely needs a rug! :-)

  2. Hmmm... the pool is awesome but over $6 mil? I'm not sure about that.
