Wednesday, 9 June 2010

House in Tandil

How's everything dear readers? My feet are a bit cold but, other than that, I'm ok.
This modern rustic house is in Argentina in a city in the south of Buenos Aires called Tandil. Designer Analía Zubieta de Galván decorated the rooms of this 280m2 home. Pink on the outside, warm inviting colours on the inside, most of the furniture is rustic and well worn. Ready to take the tour? Giddy up then!

Photography Santiago Ciuffo
All images from here.


  1. Hi Kifus,
    questa è veramente un bellissimo interno di casa... mi è piaciuto molto come è fatto il divano blue.
    Buona giornata.

  2. Hi Kifus,
    Where do you find these incredible places? I love the library/stairwell, and the bathroom. I have the same fixtures in my guest bath (see post)! Lovely to take a peek at how the other half lives!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  3. Thank you Kifus ~ love your blog!
