Sunday, 26 December 2010

Last Home Tour of the Year!

To all my dear readers, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! Mine was splendid, we celebrated at home and invited all our relatives over. It was a double celebration as only a few days before Christmas my eldest son sat for his last exam at university and is now an engineer!
Tomorrow we'll be going to a summer place called Chapadmalal where we will have no access to the Internet so I won't be posting again until we come back on January 16th.
So, as I won't be seeing you before, I'd like to wish you all now a very Happy New Year, and thank you for this wonderful inspired year together giving me support through your comments and cheering along which makes all my time spent on blogging definitely worth while! Thanks to each and every one of you, Happy New Year once again and I'll be seeing you soon!

And, of course, before I leave, I give you this stunning house.

Nestled in the old village of Champagne Sézanne, this seventeenth century house belonged to the Marquise de Beauharnais, Marie-Francoise (whose brother married Josephine, the future empress), Pascale and her husband Oliver, bargain hunters and passionate decorators, created a family home that opens its doors to the public twice a year to display their items on sale. Every room has been lovingly staged creating a unique holiday atmoshphere.

A real feast for the eyes. Let's step in.

Le coin évier





Petit Salon


La salle de bains


Hope you enjoyed our last house tour of the year. See you soon dears!!!

All images from here.


  1. Hi Kifus,
    questa veramente è una grande casa per terminare l'anno !
    Aspettiamo presto il tuo ritorno !
    Bye e felici feste !!!

  2. Davvero magnifico ! quel canapè mi fa impazzire...grazie e Buon Anno ! Nicoletta.

  3. Exquisite! Thank you for sharing!

    Thanks for following Mural Maker on BlogFrog. I'm returning the favor and wishing you a joyous New Year!

  4. Such a gorgeous home...oozing character. Hope you have a wonderful trip and we wish you a safe and happy new year!! Thanks for all the inspiration you have provided this year...

  5. te amo con todo mi corazón linda!!

  6. Pure romanticism!! A house of a dream world, nice!
    Dear Kifus, congratulations with the degree of your son, nice effort! I wish you and your family a very happy new year and that your wishes may come true next year!! Have a happy holiday period! Relax and enjoy!

  7. Gorgeous! What a way to go out with a bang!

  8. I just found your wonderful blog... Merry Christmas to me. Thanks for sharing, love it here.

  9. Such exquisite loveliness. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful home. So many ideas are now floating around my head... Happy New Year.

  10. Wonderful house.
    I wish you a blessed year, full of joy, health and peace.

  11. Missing you. Hey--the place I have moved to has white walls. They are a soft white. I am keeping them that way for now and I think I will like it...which is new for me!!

  12. Happy New Year Kifus, all the best wishes for you and a lot of 'inspiraciononline'!!

  13. Hi Kifus,
    I image you are back now and like to ask about your holiday. I hope your holiday in Chapadmalal was great and that you could relax enough.


  14. Beautiful :-) I love the rugs. The colors blend well for the Christmas theme.

  15. This is magic, isn't it?!!!
    To die for!

  16. ?The bird in glass is hideous. Feather decorations also.

  17. Hey Anonymous! So glad someone is looking at the older posts! And I agree with you about the hideous bird under the cloche on the mantel. I dislike stuffed animals of any kind.

    Hope there was something in this post that you did like!
