Sunday, 16 January 2011

Rustic Summer House in Malaga

Dear readers, I'm back from my holidays in Chapadmalal but this doesn't mean my holidays stop here. Now we're in Buenos Aires for a few days, then we are going to New York and Washington DC for a week, then back to BA until February 6th when we go back to Brazil and then yes my holidays will be over (gotta love holidays!).

I promise I will do my best and post as often as possible. I'd like to thank you all for your lovely comments while I was away. I'll be visiting you right after I publish today's post.

Today's house is a soothing dream located in Malaga, Spain. It belongs to Dutch interior designer Madelon Verheu who used a soft palette and earth colours to make her dream summer home a relaxing place to enjoy with her family and friends.

And it's tour time once again my friends!

Hope you enjoyed our first tour of the year!

All images from here.


  1. Hi Kifus !!!
    Questa è veramente una grande e bella casa accogliente !
    Felice di risentirti.
    Torna presto :) e buone vacanze.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful Holiday for you Kifus! Missed you, but had a fun time strolling through your blog while you were gone, you find such beautiful homes!!

  3. Wouldn`t mind having such a summer house :)

    Your vacation sounds lovely, enjoy!

  4. So glad you are back (nearly!) - have been missing my daily design inspiration and am looking forward to what you have to show us in 2011 :)

  5. Love that bedroom with the green bed head and the draperies that matches the green of it!

  6. Now I could read in that blue and white bed. Man, you do get around, where is BA??? and and how do you rate such a nice long holiday????????

  7. Thanks all for your lovely words. Nanny, I rate my holidays as one of the best ever! I get to be with all my 8 children and in the middle my hubby and I squeeze a week off on our own to New York. (BTW I'm leaving today!) Oh, and BA is Buenos Aires in Argentina.
